2022. THE ADVENTURES OF JAGGED ASS MCKRAKEN, 21ST CENTURY PIRATE. Finalist, ECW Press Best New Speculative Fiction contest.
2020. "Cold War." Finalist, Fiction Category, Alberta Magazine Awards 2020, published in On Spec Magazine, Summer, 2019, #111, 30 (1).
2019 "Wards", Co-winner of Speculative Literature Foundation Older Writers Grant.
2014 (LUCK RIDERS), 2013 ("Storm Wife"), 2010 ("Ursa Major"): Honorable Mentions, Older Writers Grant, Speculative Literature Foundation.
2014: LUCK RIDERS, Finalist, 2nd place, Romantic Elements, for both: On the Far Side competition (the Futuristic, Fantasy and Paranormal chapter, RWA), and
The Catherine competition (the Toronto Romance Writers Association).
I write for the joy of it. I have been writing professionally for university and health system audiences for most of my life. That work is important and I’m proud of it. But, for me, fiction is more freeing. I mostly write dark fantasy. My work is escapist, because I like the dread, the surprise and immersion, and we all need it from time to time. I write speculative fiction because I enjoy speculative fiction. It speaks to me on many levels.
You can start writing, like most things, at any stage of life. Of course, the younger you start, the more years you have to hone your craft. But starting later means you bring knowledge and skills from other paths. I’ve been writing fiction for ten years now. I feel like my wave is just beginning to crest. Come ride it with me, and we can enjoy the trip together. There may be mermaids. Or just fish with very nasty teeth.
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (CSFFA)
Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA)
Speculative Literature Foundation (SLF)
(Very Brief, Very Official) BIO
Lynne M MacLean (she/her) is a writer of contemporary fantasy that is sometimes humorous and often dark. She has had several pieces of short fiction and poetry published, including in Augur Magazine, Room Magazine, PodCastle, On Spec Magazine, Tesseracts Fifteen, and Horrific History, among others. She also two completed novels, LUCK RIDERS, and THE ADVENTURES OF JAGGED ASS MCKRAKEN, 21ST CENTURY PIRATE, searching for homes. See Works for more information.
Lynne has a PhD in Psychology and has worked as a mental health practitioner, and as a government and university researcher. She spent the first three decades of her life on the Prairies and the NWT, the settings for some of her short fiction. A married mother of two, she now lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. By day, she is a public, community and mental health research consultant specializing in collaborative and qualitative methods. Along with her husband and cats, she has raised two young adults and released them successfully into the wild (although the cats take all the credit).