These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things: A COVID-19 Morale Booster
Welcome to the first week of Spring. It doesn’t much feel like it, what with the great mounds of blackened winter-grungy snow still to...

Of Good News and Green Desperation
I’m desperate for spring to come. Winter started early this year, and it’ll be some time yet before it ends. The snow came in November...

Holy Crow, It's Hallowe'en
I've just realized it’s Hallowe’en already, and I haven’t posted since May. This post will be mostly in the order of a quick update (with...

Shortlisted Again
I’ve spent quite a bit of time on shortlists over the years, so let’s talk about it – while we wait and wait and wait . . . What is a...

Something Fishy . . .
Welcome to today’s blog topic: Fish! And inspiration. Fin-spiration: Why fish you ask? What do fish have to do with dark speculative...

Medieval Magic and Fantasy: The Clarke Interview
Today, as a special New Year’s treat, I have the pleasure of interviewing Ansel Clarke, a medieval magic history scholar and graduate...

Christmas With Curmudgeons Haiku
Just in time for the winter Solstice! Today’s post is not very long, just like the days right now, but it is in keeping with the spirit...

We're All Werebears, Underneath
I’m thrilled to announce that “Ursa Major” has just been published in Rampant Loon Media’s Stupefying Stories 1.15 (August 2016) . “Ursa...

On Originality, or, Humble Pie with Pickles
Just when you feel particularly happy with your own originality and creativity, you walk smack into the realization that your work might...

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night ...
Does a threatening storm exhilarate you? Do dark and rainy days bring you one kind of mood, and bright shards of sunlight another?...